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Can Dogs Eat Pizza?

Pizza is one of the most popular food choices for people.  Dogs love pizza just about as much as us. But should dogs eat pizza too? Is pizza healthy for dogs? Can pizza kill a dog? We’ll answer all those questions and more in this post. Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about feeding pizza to your k9 buddy.

can dogs eat pizza

Is pizza ok for dogs?

Is pizza poisonous to dogs? Yes it can be. Pizza can actually be quite toxic. The reason for this is that most ingredients in pizza are not good for them, and could potentially make them sick. So if you really care about their health, we recommend not feeding pizza to your dog at all.

What happens if a dog eats pizza?

Depending on what type of pizza it is, the toppings, especially onions and garlic, can make a huge difference on the level of potential harm to your pup. 

Let’s break down the different parts of a pizza and take a look at why dogs eating pizza is not a great idea.

Can Dogs Eat Raw Pizza Dough?

So.. you’re making pizza at home and feel tempted to throw a bit of raw pizza dough the way of your pooch, think again.

When raw dough is ingested, it expands in the stomach due to the warmth and moisture, similar to when cooked in an oven. This can cause the dogs stomach to bloat or potentially cause the stomach to twist.

Dogs should also avoid raw dough because yeast is toxic to dogs. The yeast and sugar in the raw dough ferment in the stomach. This produces alcohol which is toxic when absorbed into the bloodstream. Low blood sugar, low body temperature, seizures, breathing difficulty and possibly death can occur as a result.

Sauce & Cheese

Most pizza are topped with a tomato-based sauce which in itself isn’t a major concern.  The issue here is with the added ingredients. Most pizza sauces also contain herbs, spices, garlic and onions which are all harmful to your pooch.  When a dog eats garlic or onion their red blood cells become damaged, and the dog can become anaemic.

Big brand take-away pizzas like Pizza Hut and Domino’s Pizza usually contain higher concentrations of added salt and sugar.  Eating too much sugar and salt can lead to obesity. Pizzas usually contain too much salt and sugar even for humans, let alone giving it to your dogs.

Cheese is also not ideal for dogs. Even low fat cheeses aren’t great for dogs as they are still high in fat and calorie dense with provide little nutritional benefit.

pizza dogs is pizza healthy for dogs

What to do if your dog eats pizza?

If your dog sneaks a small piece of pizza crust, it shouldn’t be too harmful, but it’s a good idea to keep an eye on them. If symptoms of stomach discomfort, diarrhoea, or vomit appear and continue after a day or so, you should call your local veterinary clinic.

Dogs eating pizza dough however, is another story. You should immediately contact your local vet for some professional advice should this occur especially in large amounts.

Summing Up

If you’re looking for a treat or a snack to share with your furry friend, pizza should never be on the menu. With far too many ingredients that are either harmful or toxic your 4 legged friend is more than likely going to end up with an upset stomach, an emergency dash to the veterinary clinic or anywhere in between.   

Although it can be convenient giving dogs human food, you should always provide them a healthier and nutritious doggy diet.  Refuse the temptation of giving in to those puppy dog eyes and your best friend will love you forever for it!

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